BioBridge Global Introduces BBG Advanced Therapies: New Subsidiary to Support the Development of Cell and Gene Therapies

Thanks for the help, Gordon Hartman/Morgan’s Wonderland

Every year, South Texas Blood & Tissue Center has the privilege of nominating local individuals, businesses and organizations for national recognition of their efforts to promote blood donations. Here are one of the nominees submitted for 2020:

Gordon Hartman/Morgan’s Wonderland

After recovering from COVID-19 in July 2020, Gordon Hartman (the founder of Morgan’s Wonderland) added one more cause to the many he supports – donations of blood and COVID-19 convalescent plasma.

He advocated for blood and plasma donations and even donated plasma following his recovery. His advocacy included speaking with media frequently, and contacting local political and business leaders, about the need for donations.

He also opened the doors to the Morgan’s Wonderland theme park for monthly blood drives.