BioBridge Global Introduces BBG Advanced Therapies: New Subsidiary to Support the Development of Cell and Gene Therapies

Lyric - Sickle Cell Warrior

You can help this little fighter!

Sickle cell disease isn’t stopping Lyric, a 9-year-old fashionista with big dreams who has already received five blood transfusions. Blood donations help ease her pain.

How do blood donations help sickle cell patients?

Lyric feels excruciating, crippling pains throughout the night and day. She explains it as a stabbing pain that causes her to scream at the top of her lungs.  

The only thing that helps are blood transfusions. 

“You’re doing more than you could even imagine as far as saving a life…It affects people in so many ways. For sickle cell, it’s our lifeline.”
Lyric's mom

Want to save time?

On the day of your donation: fill out your health questionnaire online before your appointment. Click here to access the form.