Jenny Holshouser
What inspired you to join the Blood & Tissue Center Foundation Board?
My grandparents were involved in the board from its beginning, so I heard about the Foundation and the Texas Cord Blood Bank often. They invited me to an event and the rest is history.
What do you like to do?
I have three young kids, so I have very little free time. But when I do, I enjoy going on walks, playing pickle ball or tennis, cooking, and needlepointing.
What motivates you?
The high demand for blood really motivates me to share what I know about the Blood and Tissue Center, and the knowledge of what amazing things are possible with blood and tissue donations inspires me to share that knowledge with people I know.
Is there anything about your time on the board you would like to share? Most cherished moments or greatest accomplishments?
One of my favorite experiences on the board is the tours. I love getting to go on them! I learn something new and fascinating every time.