BBG-developed system tests cancer treatments in a new way
A novel platform for testing the effectiveness of cell therapies against cancer is one of two patents pending award for the Research & Development team
A novel platform for testing the effectiveness of cell therapies against cancer is one of two patents pending award for the Research & Development team
What started as a doctor’s visit for shoulder pain and inflamed lymph nodes became something life-changing for 19-year-old Layla Mathieu and her mother Delaine.
South Texas Blood & Tissue celebrates 50 years in the community. The locally based blood bank was formed during a time of nationwide blood donation shortages.
What part of the organization and mission speaks most to you and why? The Blood and Tissue Foundation and everything it supports has held our
Welcome to each of you and thank you for your time and commitment in agreeing to serve on the 2024 Blood & Tissue Center Foundation Board of Directors.
Nicole Czelusta says it is her calling to advocate for blood donation. She shared her powerful journey with members of The Blood & Tissue Center
Thank you. In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives and in the work we perform here at the Foundation, it is possible that
Saturday, Oct. 21st will go in the books as one of the most successful nights on record for the Blood & Tissue Center Foundation.
BioBridge Global is making significant contributions to the ongoing fight with cancer, the organization’s Chief Scientific Officer told members of The Blood & Tissue Center
Myra Arthur, Stephanie Guerra, Dr. Gabi Niederauer, Diana Rendon and Jason Rice are all driven by a personal story or a passion to give back
What part of the organization and mission speaks most to you and why? As a cancer survivor myself, as well as knowing many impacted by cancer
From Clay Howell, Director, Development, The Blood & Tissue Center Foundation In the years I have worked with charities, I have always seen relationship development