From Clay Howell, Director, Development, The Blood & Tissue Center Foundation
In the years I have worked with charities, I have always seen relationship development and resulting funds raised much like the formation of a sand dune. Stirred by the winds, grains of sand begin to accumulate, building on each other, rising in height and spreading out to the point we see the dune. With enough raw material and a steady wind, these dunes can rise to great heights. However, they can also collapse upon exceeding the steepest angle of descent relative to the horizontal plane on which the sand can pile. The steepest point is the angle of repose.
I share this thought as recent data from the Fundraising Effectiveness Project managed by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Foundation for Philanthropy reveal a decline in the number of donors and donations for 2022. This is not good. Dating back to 2012, donor dollars had been rising, until now. This decrease joins a decade-long decline in the number of donors. It appears in 2022 charitable giving exceeded that angle of repose.
Watching trends is important and moments like this matter. It also reminds me of how important you are, The Blood & Tissue Center Foundation Board of Directors; as it is through you, that we have the greatest opportunity to take steps to influence and change those charitable trends. You see, you are the wind, making contact with the community, family, friends, and colleagues about the remarkable work happening here are at the Foundation, BioBridge Global, South Texas Blood & Tissue, QualTex Labs and GenCure. And, you have been busy. By way of your support, the Foundation has received several notable gifts already in 2023.
Many of these gifts are from relationships built over many years and I want to thank each of you for helping make many of them possible. We also owe a special thanks to the following donors:
- Jeanie Rabke Wyatt Family Foundation
- John R. & Greli N. Less Charitable Trust managed by Frost Wealth Advisors
- Myra Stafford Pryor Charitable Trust managed by Frost Wealth Advisors
- Mays Family Foundation
- Valero
- The Greehey Family Foundation
- H-E-B
- The Wood Family Memorial Trust
- 3M
Gratitude makes an excellent raw material as we continue to develop these and more important relationships across South Texas. If you know anyone associated with any of the entities mentioned, please feel free to reach out to them and express your gratitude for joining you in raising awareness and resources for our lifesaving mission. Keep stirring.