BioBridge Global Introduces BBG Advanced Therapies: New Subsidiary to Support the Development of Cell and Gene Therapies

BioBridge Global gives tour to Blood Centers of America

BioBridge Global recently gave a tour of subsidiary GenCure to Blood Centers of America Advanced Therapies Network.

The tour showcased GenCure’s cGMP biomanufacturing facility and process development laboratory capabilities.

BioBridge Global also supports advanced therapies with cellular therapy testing services and collections of starting materials.

Scott Jones, Chief Scientific Officer at BioBridge Global, also presented on the importance of testing of starting materials and therapeutic products at a BCA workshop held the previous day.

BioBridge Global is a partner and member of BCA, which comprises more than 60 independent blood centers and represents 50% of the U.S. blood supply.

BioBridge Global hosts regenerative medicine conference

In February, BioBridge Global hosted RegenMedSA’s annual conference featuring regenerative medicine related research and innovation. The event is designed to facilitate networking among individuals and organizations with an interest in stem cell research, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and/or biotechnology related to these areas.

Nearly 100 attendees listened to and participated in topics ranging from basic stem cell biology and tissue engineering to clinical applications and technology transfer.

Keynote speakers were Dr. Haifan Lin from Yale University on the Piwi-piRNA pathway and Dr. Kristin Baldwin from Columbia University on reprogramming, genome diversity, and disease.

Sponsors included BioBridge Global, UT Health San Antonio Research, UTSA, VelocityTX, San Antonio Economic Development Corporation, and Southwest Research Institute.

The 10th annual conference is scheduled for Feb. 2024.