On Sept. 10, The Blood & Tissue Center Foundation will be participating in The Big Give S.A., a 24-hour campaign to give where your heart is.
To make this event a success, we are asking you, our Foundation Board of Directors, to help us spread the word and reach out to potential sponsors who would be willing to match donations or sponsor a day of giving challenge to help support our COVID-19 Response and Recovery Effort. Please contact Allison DePaoli for more information.
Donations will assist with costs for personal protective equipment like faces masks and gloves that are needed on a daily basis, as well as promotional and operational expenses related to hosting blood drives at large-scale venues that allow for proper social distancing.
Donations also will assist with efforts to recruit donors for and expand the convalescent plasma program.
Show your support! Visit The Blood & Tissue Center Foundation’s page to create a peer to peer page today. #BigGive2020